NYC Area Blood Centers Facing Shortage After Winter Storm Juno

by Kelsey Schappell | 01/29/2015 | 5:31pm

NYC Area Blood Centers Facing Shortage After Winter Storm Juno

The New York Blood Center estimates it lost a potential 3,000 units of donated blood.

The New York City area's blood banks are facing a shortage after this week's snow storm. 

"No donations came in on Tuesday," said Andrea Cefarelli, Executive Director of Donor Recruitment at the New York Blood Center. "Based on the cancellations, we're collecting about half of what is normal."

According to Cefarelli, the NYBC was able to plan ahead and work with local hospitals to make sure they had enough supplies.  

"We had the appropriate amount on hand and we had ordered that beforehand, so we did really well," said Patrick Schmincke, the Senior Vice President of Clinical Services at the Westchester Medical Center.

The center is home to a Level 1 trauma center, which Schmincke said can use up to 150 units of blood each day.

Now, Cefarelli and Schmincke are encouraging able-bodied people to spend an hour of their time donating blood to ramp up their reserves during what’s already a challenging time for blood collection.

"You get school breaks, so high schools and colleges don't want to run [drives], cold and flu season, and then you throw in Mother Nature with inclement weather," Cefarelli said. 


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