New York City Traffic Deaths Reach 100 Year Low

New york city traffic deaths
2018 has been the safest year on record in New York City for traffic deaths in nearly a century. The New York City transportation department says there have been 196 deaths this year. That's the lowest number of deaths since 1910. Mayor DeBlasio credits Vision Zero for the decrease in the number of cyclist, pedestrian, and car fatalities.
"This has been a consistant pattern, and it proves the Vision Zero approach is working. We've got a lot more to do," said DeBlasio at a press conference on Friday afternoon.
Vision Zero was implemented 5 years ago, after nearly 300 people died in traffic collissions in the five boroughs. The number of traffic-related deaths has steadily declined over the past five years.
This year, the inititative expanded bike lanes, increased the amount of bike shares, implement4ed new street designs, and launched safety campaigns geared towards improving street safety at night.