New Policy Brief Released on Transgender Day of Remembrance

A policy brief released Monday gives recommendations to city leaders on how they can better serve the city's transgendered and gender non-conforming communities.
The brief recommends the city work to bring more jobs to the community through a city-government funded empoyment initiative. Other recommendations include more affordable housing for the TGNC community, and increased funding for more legal assistance for undocumented TGNC people.
Andrea Bowen helped put together the brief and is a consultant on LGBTQ issues.
"People who are low-income in the city are getting pushed out," she said.
"Gentrification is impacting everybody, and it's impacting TGNC people especially."
Comments were gathered from participants at forums in 2016 and 2017 throughout the five boroughs. 591 people participated.
TGNC people face very specific challenges, Bowen said.
"TGNC people find it harder to get jobs, they are more likely to be fired if they have a job," she said.
"They are more likely to get kicked out of their house if they're young."
The brief's released on November 20. It's recognized as the Transgender Day of Remembrance, an annual day where TGNC people are remembered who have been lost as a result of anti-transgender violence.