New Jersey Cracks Down on Distracted Driving

New Jersey is making it easier for motorists to rat each other out for distracted driving. The state is rebranding what it calls the #77 program, which was initially designed to allow motorists to dial #77 to report aggressive drivers. Now, pedestrians and drivers can dial the line to report anyone they think is distracted behind the wheel, especially if that person is using a cell phone. New Jersey will also become the first state to send warning letters to dangerous drivers, as long as the person who reports them is able to provide the driver's license plate. But Steve Carrelas of the National Motorists Association said phone usage causes only around 1 percent of fatal traffic incidents in the U.S.

"We believe the overemphasis on cell phone use is at the detriment to the many more causes of distracted driving, and when you overemphasize the wrong thing, you are not wokring on the stuff that is causing the problems," Carrellas said.

Carrellas said other forms of distraction include eating and putting on makeup in the car.


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