Morning Brief: September 8

After months of waiting, tonight is the first episode of "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert". His guests will be George Clooney and Jeb Bush. CBS announced Colbert would be taking over for David Letterman all the way back in April of 2014. And "The Colbert Report" has been off-air since December so Colbert fans have been waiting some time for his return. Colbert also left behind his signature, ultra-conservative persona with the end of the Colbert Report and everyone is anxious to see how he'll act in his new role.


Conservative Dissent is Brewing Inside the Vatican [Washington Post]

Obama Weighs Options on Syrian Refugee Crisis [USA Today]

Apple and Other Tech Companies Tangle with U.S. Over Data Access [New York Times]

Cuomo Administration Lawyer Shot in the Head before West Indian Day Parade [New York Times]

New York City Census Keeps Count of Trees with Help from Volunteers [NY Daily News]

Port Authority Gate Changes Take Effect Tuesday [CBS New York]



The Mets beat the Nationals 8-5.

The Yankees topped the Orioles 8-6


The Mets face the Nationals at 7:05.

The Yankees host the Orioles at 7:05.

And it's day nine of the U.S. Open.


Hot and sunny today, then mostly clear overnight, 93/74 [Full Forecast]


• L7 (with Les Sans Culottes) @ Irving Plaza

• John McCauley of Deer Tick, Middle Brother and Diamond Rugs (with Frances Quinlan) @ City Winery

• Belinda Carlisle of The Go-Go’s (with Gabe Lopez) @ the B.B. King Blues Club and Grill

• The Hot Sardines and Dustbowl Revival @ Mercury Lounge

• Johnny A. @ the Cutting Room


On this day in 1974, President Ford pardoned Richard Nixon.

WFUV's Morning Brief is published each weekday morning at 5 a.m. Do you have an event or news item that should be included? Email or leave a comment below.


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