More AP Courses for NYC Public School Students, Mayor Says
Advancement Placement courses can help high school students prepare and even pay for college. But up until last year, fewer than half of New York City public schools didn't even offer one AP course.
A few years ago, AP courses weren't available for students in 200 public schools. That's why Mayor de Blasio launched a program in 2015 with the goal of offering at least five AP courses in every city public school by 2021. Since then, the Mayor says 63 more schools now have at least one AP course. Michael Mulgrew is the president of a New York City teacher's union. He says the program offers these courses to more than just a select few.
"We as a society, as a culture and a community of New York City, we can offer opportunity to every single child," said Mulgrew.
De Blasio says more black and Hispanic students have begun taking AP courses as they've become more widely available.