Islip Officials Urge Flood Victims Report Damages to Town
The town of Islip broke records in New York State last week when it got over 13 inches of rain within just a few hours.
That's according to Town Councilman Steven Flotteron. He says the torrential downpour flooded nearly 400 houses. And he says the storm took homeowners and areas not typically prone to flooding by surprise.
"There are homes on different streets that never saw flooding before, and they had their basements flooded, he said." "And water was up to cars' windshields in people's driveways and in parking lots."
Flotteron says the town's sending inspectors to check for electrical damage and mold in flooded homes. He's calling on homeowners to report flooding and cooperate with inspectors to help recover from this unexpected disaster.
"This will help them in protecting their safety for their families, and maybe any opportunities we can get from FEMA, or from the federal government, for them to help them in fixing their damage," he said.
Flotteron says the town has to report a certain amount in damages to qualify for FEMA assistance. He's urging homeowners to call in potential problems to help with that effort.
Flotteron says residents can use the following numbers to contact town officials for help:
Call 631-224-5460 to report damages and request inspections.
Call 631-224-5306 to verify the identities and qualifications of any inspector coming to visit your home.