Houdini Again a No-Show at Annual Séance

Harry Houdini was a no show at the annual Houdini séance.
Conducted every year on Halloween, the séances both memorialize the great magician and keep an over 90 year tradition alive.
Started by Houdini's wife Bess, the séances used to take place in the Knickerbocker Hotel in California. Today, they are lead by escape artist Dorothy Dietrich in Houdini's childhood home on 79th street in Manhattan.
Handcuffs Houdini used, original newspaper clippings and books about Houdini littered a table, in an attempt to help Houdini's spirit find its way home.
Before the séance, mentalist Alain Nu performed a brief hypnotism and onlookers gasped as Dietrich escaped from a straightjacket in under three minutes.
While Houdini has never made an appearance at these séances, Dietrich and others said they will continue to try every year, until he does.