Ground Broken for New Bronx Shopping Center
Ground Broken for New Bronx Shopping Center
The Kingsbridge section of the Bronx will become home to a brand new shopping center.
New York City officials broke ground Monday on Broadway Plaza, a new 133,000 square-foot retail mall that promises hundreds of new jobs and economic growth in the community.
After working to get the project started for over ten years, Bronx Councilman Oliver Koppell is thrilled the groundbreaking has finally come.
"I'm just so delighted to see this happening in my community, the place I've lived pretty much all of my life."
But some area residents are worried it'll take business away from small shops.
However, Ward Calhoun, a long-time resident of the neighborhood says there's nothing wrong with a little competition.
"You gotta light a fire under people sometimes anyways, and I think a little healthy competition isn't gonna hurt the 'Mom and Pops'," Calhoun said.
Broadway Plaza's expected to open in the fall of 2014.