Gov. Cuomo Announces Statue to Be Built for Mother Cabrini

AP Image of Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Credit to The Associated Press
by Ben Adducchio | 10/14/2019 | 1:52pm

AP Image. Credit to The Associated Press.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says there will be a statue of Roman Catholic saint Mother Frances Cabrini in New York City. 
Cabrini's name wasn't on the final list the city came up with of women to be included in new statues.
Speaking at the Columbus Day parade in Manhattan, the governor said that decision felt disrespectful to the Italian community.
"I'm a Roman Catholic, I was an altar boy. I represent them, I stand with them," Cuomo said.
"They don't have to do it alone, we will do it together."
Cuomo says a commission will look into where to put the statue. Cabrini is the patron saint of immigrants. 
She founded orphanages in New York and other cities.
A school is named after her in Washington Heights in Manhattan.

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