Giving Machines at Lincoln Center

People make donations using Giving Vending Machines at Lincoln Center
Instead of bags of chips and candy bars the vending machines outside The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints at Lincoln Center in New York produce donations. The holiday giving machines have donation options from a pair of socks to Polio vaccines. Passersby can make a donation to one of five charities with simply the swipe of a credit card.
The machines debuted last year in Salt Lake City, Utah and then around the world this year to London, Manila, New York, Salt Lake City, and Gilbert, Arizona.
The partner charities for the machines differ depending on their location. UNICEF is the international charity in every machine but in New York the other charities are The West Side Campaign Against Hunger, Care, Art Start and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York.
The machines opened this year on Giving Tuesday and will be out until the end of the month.