Cityscape: NYC Street Names 101

Phillie Casablanca, Wikimedia Commons
by George Bodarky, Veronica Volk, Taylor Nulk | 03/22/2014 | 7:30am

Cityscape: NYC Street Names 101

We're exploring the meaning behind New York City street names.

Finding Wall Street on a map wouldn’t be too hard for most New Yorkers, but pinpointing Humphrey Bogart Place might prove to be a challenge. 

The city is filled with honorofic street names.  On this week’s Cityscape we’ll talk with a guy who took it upon himself to catalog the more than 1500 honorofic street names in the city, as well as explore what it takes to get a street co-named in the Big Apple.  We'll also delve into the meaning behind some of the city's oldest street names and hear about some street names that are now extinct. 

Category: #Cityscape

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