Banjo Nickaru: 2017
Banjo Nickaru and "Sunday Supper" host John Platt (photo by Jeremy Rainer)
Banjo Nickaru & Western Scooches is a most unusual NYC band. Led by banjo/guitar player Nick Russo and singer-songwriter Betina Hersey, they have an appetite for all kinds of music: folk, blues, country, 1920s and '30s pop and jazz, and roots music in general, expressed in both originals and cover songs.
Their real wild card is a Gullah-Geechee accent brought by percussionist David Pleasant. Pleasant wasn't with them for this visit to Studio A, but they did bring veteran percussionist Newman Taylor -Baker on washboard and Neal Murgai on sitar.
Listen to what they add to Elizabeth Cotton's classic "Freight Train." This is a band that must be heard to be believed! Check them out in this fun session or at Rockwood Music Hall on April 11 for "On Your Radar."