Wild Beasts photo by Deirdre Hynes

Wild Beasts - FUV Live - 2014

June 27, 2014|Alisa Ali

Wild Beasts' latest album, Present Tense, is the British band's fourth full-length release. The new record showcases the...

Photo by Gus Philippas

Lucinda Williams - FUV Live at Clearwater - 2014

June 26, 2014|Rita Houston
Listen: Live concert
Photo by Gus Philippas

Puss n Boots - FUV Live at Clearwater - 2014

June 26, 2014|Carmel Holt
Listen: Norah Jones, Sasha Dobson, and Catherine Popper live
Photo by Gus Philippas

Lake Street Dive - FUV Live at Clearwater - 2014

June 26, 2014|Carmel Holt
Watch/Listen: Hear the full concert and catch our riverside video

Question of the Day: Songs on Your Cell to Keep Private

June 26, 2014|Corny O'Connell

Yesterday the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that police cannot search your cellphone without a warrant. So all those embarrassing...

Ásgeir photo by Laura Fedele

Ásgeir - FUV Live from Electric Lady Studios - 2014

June 26, 2014|Carmel Holt

In the Silence is the stirring full-length debut from Icelandic artist Ásgeir. His music is a cool mixture of electronic and...

White Hinterland's Casey Dienel (photo: Derrick Belcham)

White Hinterland: Five Essential Albums

June 25, 2014|Kara Manning

Classically-trained Casey Dienel, who records as White Hinterland, breaks down genre barriers on her most recent album Baby...

Joe Henry photo by Michael Shemenski

Joe Henry - FUV Live - 2014

June 25, 2014|Carmel Holt

Joe Henry recently released his 13th solo record called Invisible Hour. The songs on the new album examine the concept of...

"Song" Songs

June 25, 2014|Corny O'Connell

It was on this date in 2014 that Corny O'Connell asked his listeners for songs that have "song" in the title. In recognition...

Phox with Eric Holland phpto by Oliver Beardsley

PHOX - FUV Live - 2014

June 24, 2014|Eric Holland

This indie-pop band describes themselves as, “a gaggle of goofy wizards performing minor illusions and big top music.” Their...