WFUV at SXSW: The Beards at Hotel San Jose

Photo by Laura Fedele/WFUV

The Beards (@The_Beards) attest to having a miserable time being interviewed by the clean-shaven Russ Borris. They did have glowing reviews for the work of cameraman Tim Pierson, however. Wanna guess why?

Nathaniel Beard (bass), John Beardman Jr. (drums), Facey McStublington (guitar), and Johann Beardraven (vocals, saxophone and keytar) have been recording together in their native Australia since 2005.

They cite among their inspirations Chuck Norris’ beard (not the man, just the beard); and ZZ Top, obviously.

And here’s a video exclusive: get our your hankies for their live, heartfelt, gut-wrenching rendition of “The Beard Accessory Store.”

Want more? They have three full releases, believe it or not: The Beards (2007); Beards, Beards, Beards (2010); and Having a Beard is the New Not Having a Beard (2012).

Yes, absolutely, all the songs are about facial hair.

WFUV's South by Southwest 2013 music coverage is graciously supported by TuneIn.
Funding for WFUV’s ongoing coverage of live concerts and festivals comes from The Agnes Varis Trust, supporting affordable access to the arts, education and healthcare.

Tags: #SXSW 2013

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